Date nights are a relatively new phenomena in the UK, perhaps accelerated in their popularity by social media. Just what is a date night and can they be important in relationships?
Things getting a little stale?
Let’s be honest, it is almost impossible to maintain the frenetic excitement that exists in the early stages of relationships. Everything is new and there to be explored together. Neither partner can do no wrong and life is literally a bed of roses. Marriage or children may eventually follow and still the excitement remains. Little children running around, certainly more than a novelty and providing constant entertainment and attention. This is great, this is what we were always wanting wasn’t it? However, at these stages in some relationships the day to day rituals start to take their toll. The nights out, the little exciting gifts, the evenings spent together on the settee with a good movie just don’t seem to be happening any more. So, this is where date nights can play a real place in revitalising your relationship.
But a date night isn’t just going out for a drink or curry. A date night – if it is to be successful should rekindle some of the feelings that a couple had for each other years ago. A date night can be a learning experience that a couple share to create new memories together. Like everything successful it needs a little work but the outcomes may astound you.
So – a date night. What’s the plan?
There are many opportunities to create a successful date night and above all it needs to be a little fun for the couple. How about re-creating your first ever date? Yes, this may be tricky in some instances but most dates could be re-lived relatively easily. Naturally this will spark conversation and memories – be that a restaurant, club, bar or cinema event.
Take a Spa Break:
Pretty much guaranteed to be a success, a spa night or weekend break is a great way for a couple to spend time together and rekindle their emotions. Dipping into a warm pool together, enjoying a massage or spending time relaxing in a sauna will not only be therapeutic but also great for sharing close moments together. There is then an opportunity for a meal in the evening and who knows what later at night – a great date night.
Walk to a Restaurant:
Walk to a restaurant? Why walk you ask. Cars, taxis, who wants to walk these days? But think about it for a second. Getting smartly dressed and setting off to your favourite restaurant together will give you both the opportunity to talk and chat. Holding hands maybe as you walk through town, you will have had a good time on the way and after your meal together you will certainly have the opportunity to talk on the way home. Apart from being the healthy option it will give you the opportunity to re-find yourselves and have a great talk together.
For those couples that may be a little more adventurous then there are a myriad of classes and events to attend together that will stimulate the senses as well as each other. Would either of you dare consider ballroom dancing or pottery classes? Not as daft as they may initially sound. These would give you a real focus and activity to share and something to look forward to on a weekly basis.
Food based date events work well and should not just be limited to going out for a meal together. How about cooking a meal that you have never cooked before, together at home? Or alternatively one of the couples surprises the other with a lunch date.
Date nights were initially seen by many as a desperate attempt to repair a damaged relationship. However, the opposite is actually true. A date night injects a little excitement into a relationship that may have been missing previously. Simply taking time out to dress up, wear something sexy, get out your favourite perfume or aftershave and take some time to pamper and pay attention to your partner will give your relationship that little kick start that it may be needing – as well as being a load of fun at the same time.
Our escorts in Nottingham at Viva La Paradise Escorts love date nights so they definitely are not cheesy and seen as being romantic and loving, everyone of our girls at our agency love a good date night no matter how cheesy you may think it is so be sure to give us a call and allow us to arrange your date night for you!